
Santa Adelheid Z

With Stockwell Adelheid Z (Harold Megahey), Condor Adelheid Z (Henry de Wulf) and Zucchero Adelheid Z (Miranda Harrington) three of our sport stallions are united. Because of the combination of Stockwell Adelheid Z and Caronini W Z this pedigree shows line-breeding on the mare Alpha Z and the World Cup finalists Zandor Z (Jos Lansink) and Artos Z (Mark Leone). Grandam Zannini  Z (Jorge Tomás Duato) and great-grandam Annini Z (Alessia Chiorlin) both jumped at national level in GPs (1.45m). This reputable Nini-line also produced, among others, the international showjumping horses Ginus (Ulrich Kirchhoff), Havinia (Gianni Govoni), Kor II (Roelof Bril), Zinius (Harrie Smolders), Coriander van ’t Vennehof (Vincent Voorn) and Turbo Z (Michael Greeve).

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